Glass Displays And Other Tips On How to Make Your Product Look Great

The way a product is displayed and packaged influences how much it can sell and will be bought. Thus, it is important to show off your product in the best way it can be displayed. There are many different ways to display many products, from glass displays to slat wall to literature racks. Here, I am going to talk to about how to utilize glass displays, or any other display, to make your product look wonderful.

First, you need to determine the best way to showcase your product. Some things are better off displayed in acrylic cases, or shown off on slat wall hangers. Glass displays should be used for your high class, extremely valuable items. These cases are expensive, and thus should be used for your expensive items.

You need to decide on the type of display case you will use. Will it be a countertop, a deluxe case, or maybe a pedestal to showcase the item of the month in your store? Either way, your display still must match the product that is being shown off, from the quality to the effort added to the design.

Having your display set up with lighting focused specifically on your item is also needed to present your product correctly. If the focus isn’t on the product, then what is the point of having a beautiful display case?

Lastly, packaging is extremely important for the success of your product. And it goes even farther than just inside your store. It walks outside of your store when your client buys something. Your packaging is marketing. It reminds your clients where they bought that beautiful purse they love so much, or tells his friend where he bought his wife that necklace.

Your packaging should be thought of just as much as your display lay out inside the store. Your retail shopping bags should have your brand name on it with your logo printed as large as possible and on both sides of the bag. It might seem expensive to buy these double-sided bags, but it is worth the free marketing it gives you and the conversation it sparks outside of your store.

There are many different ways to showcase your product and make it appear desirable to your clientele. The important things to remember are to 1) design the case to match the product, 2) display your item with care and time, and 3) don’t skimp out on your packaging materials after a client buys a product. This says just as much about your company as your display does.


Guest post brought to you by Display Warehouse, provider of multiple varieties of display items, such as literature racks, slat wall, and more. Visit their website at to learn more.  

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